MongoDB and Redis Caching (MVA)

Wondering what the buzz is all about with NoSQL? If you’re an open source developer and you want to store unstructured data, see why MongoDB, a scalable document-oriented database, is so popular in this arena, plus explore how to use it on Azure.

Learn how to set up MongoDB and how to load data in bulk, do simple queries, scale for data with sharding, and much more. Experts Steven Edouard and Rami Sayar show you how easy it is to get up and running, as they explore NoSQL, Documents, Map Reduce, and scaling via C# and Node.js. Check out this course, watch some cool demos, and see if MongoDB is for you!


Publicado em novembro 4, 2016, em ASP.NET, C# e marcado como , , , , . Adicione o link aos favoritos. Deixe um comentário.

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